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Thule Roof Box
$50.00 per day
Roof racks
$25.00 per day
Red Carpet Hire
$220.00 per day
Light duty motorbike motorcyle trailer for 2-3 bikes
$30.00 per day
Mirror Photo Booth
$350.00 per 4 hours
Pro tools generator 3500w
$80.00 per day
Green 3m x 3m Hydroflow Deluxe OZtrail gazebo
$40.00 per day
Beautiful artificial floral arrangements and large floral centrepieces (90cms)
$150.00 per centrepiece
Hydraulic Scissor Lift Trolley
$50.00 per day
Flower wall
$400.00 per day
Fun Party Food Package
$330.00per hour
360 video booth
$150.00per hour
$150.00 per 4 hours
Poker tables
$50.00 per day
Outdoor photo booth
$440.00 per 4 hours
Wedding photographers
$120.00per hour
MC Pete
$250.00 per day
Wedding photo booth
$550.00 per 4 hours
Photo Booth birthday party
$440.00 per 4 hours
Portable fridge/freezer esky
$50.00 per day
$90.00 per day
$100.00 per day
$50.00 per day
Cards Against Humanity
$5.00 per day