I run a growing broadcasting / AV company, and would like to put some older gear to use.
Items will be listed here that you can use for all sorts of small scale events / parties.
musicgroupy > All Categories

Canon XL1E
Video & Film > Video Camera
Location: Torbay, North Shore City
Hire a Canon XL1E kit. Kit comes complete with: - Camera body - 16X Zoom...
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5 Channel Mini-Mixer
Lighting, Sound & Effects > PA Sound Systems
Location: Torbay, North Shore City
Details This mixer has 5 channels, stereo CD / tape-in, a SEND jack per channel...
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Edirol V4 - Vision Mixer
Location: Torbay, North Shore City
The V-4 is a 4-channel Video Mixer made for portable or fixed installation use. It...
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