Dev Lutchman
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member since:
June 17 2009
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Manukau City
New Zealand (Aotearoa)
Manukau City
New Zealand (Aotearoa)
about them:

We are a company specialising in broadband EFTPOS systems from Ingenico.
If you have an internet connection in your shop, these terminals can use it rather than your phone line. This increases speed and reliability and reducing costs.
We can also provide internet connections for EFTPOS or program these terminals to work via ordinary phone line.
Ingenico is the worldwide and Australian market leader in EFTPOS terminals. Thousands of kiwis have used the i5100 terminal already - they're used by Foodtown stores nationwide.
Don't pay expensive rentals for old-design units - get an EFTPOS machine from us and get the benefits of the latest technology.
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