John Hewinson Canvas is a manufacturing business making a wide range of outdoor related products for homes, education providers and businesses. Our main products are shade/sun sails, veranda curtains, boat covers, tarpaulins, caravan awnings, event tents and more. We also offer a full repair and maintenance service on these types of products.
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Tent hire 11m x 5m
Location: Raumanga, Whangarei
tent hire, event tent hire, promotional tent hire, marquee hire, wedding hire, wedding tent hire,...
Hire provider:

Tent 7m x 5m
Location: Raumanga, Whangarei
event tent, tent hire, promotional tent, sports group tent, wedding marquee, wedding tent, wedding hire,...
Hire provider:

Tent Hire 4m x 4m
Location: Raumanga, Whangarei
tent hire, marquee hire, promotional tent hire, wedding hire, field day tent hire, sports group...
Hire provider:

Location: Raumanga, Whangarei
John Hewinson Canvas Ltd has quality tarpaulins available for hire. These come in a variety...
Hire provider: