gbwhangarei > Building, DIY, Garden, Industrial Equip > Industrial, Construction, Maintenance

Paint Spray Unit
Tools > Powertools
Location: Hikurangi, Whangarei
Industrial commercial piant spray unit.
Hire provider:

Trestle and Plank
Barriers & Platforms > Scaffolding and Ladders
Location: Hikurangi, Whangarei
For those longer jobs that in those hard to reach places!
Hire provider:

Extension ladder
Barriers & Platforms > Scaffolding and Ladders
Location: Hikurangi, Whangarei
for those hard to reach places, inside or out.
Hire provider:

Wallpaper Steamer
Tools > Powertools
Location: Hikurangi, Whangarei
A professional Steam Wallpaper Stripper that's so tough you can stand on it. Large capacity...
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Water Blaster
Industrial, Construction, Maintenance > Waterblasters & Hoses
Location: Hikurangi, Whangarei
1800psi 11Ltr per minute Single phase electric water blaster Great for those around the house.
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